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25 January 2008
You probably saw on the news the shocking headline that 40% of motorcycle users are riding around on untaxed bikes.
Just finished reading an article in Shooting Times dated 9th August on ATV safety, it goes on to mention accidents from celebrities to the general public highlighting the dangers of Quads.
20 July 2007
Our man Paul is a mad keen biker, and takes a keen interest in the legal issues affecting bikers.
17 July 2007
Motorcycles = less congestion on the road, lower pollution/CO2 emissions, cheaper to run/maintain and being loads more fun but to get your bike licence as of October 2008 you will have to take 4 tests.
28 February 2007
As you may recall from his previous post, Rob Balls, our beloved business manager, was going to climb Mount Kilimajaro on the Kenya / Tanzania border and raise a stack of cash for VSO as well.

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